ÄûÃʵ¼º½ campaign update
Recent updates on ÄûÃʵ¼º½'s campaigning for members. These updates are sent directly to all members.
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15 February 2019
Love Our Colleges | Ballots and elections | Tef | USS | Casualisation | QMU strikes of | LGBT+ conference
8 February 2019
HE ballot | FE fights back | NEC election | Bullying and stereotyping | REF | USS | Two year degrees | Unconditional offers | QMU strikes | LGBT+ conference
31 January 2019
FE strikes | HE ballot | In the news | Guidance for EU workers | National dispute committee | Philippines unions under threat
25 January 2019
FE strikes | HE ballot | In the news | Win for OU staff | USS | Cradle to Grave | Wright State University | LGBT+ conference
18 January 2019
HE ballot | FE strike | Brexit | College funding | Cradle To Grave | Racial harassment in HE inquiry | USS JEP vacancy | Catalonia
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