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The Disabled Members Standing Committee have designed this short review checklist to gather data and anecdotal information on how accessible our education institutions are. Despite there being protections in law, access and accessibility remain an issue that impacts Disabled members both individually and collectively. This checklist aims to increase accessibility in our workplaces,including within physical buildings and virtual learning environments, so that we see accessibility as standard. The checklist is especially useful for Health & Safety and Equality reps. It helps to improve accountability for accessible workplaces locally as well as providing data that feeds into ʵs national campaigns and forms a basis for branches to pressure employers to act. The Annual Day of Action for Disability Equality in Education (which usually takes place during Disability History Month) is a cornerstone of the DMSCs work. The DMSC welcomes feedback from members and branches about how we can collectively improve access and inclusion in our workplaces: Nothing ʵ Us, Without Us. How to use the Accessibility as Standard checklist: Health & Safety and Equality reps may wish to conduct the review together. You may complete the entire checklist or choose to undertake one or more sections. Ideally, the review should be conducted at the same time every year (i.e., at the beginning of each academic year) Inform the lead for Health and Safety and the Joint Negotiation and Consultation Committee (or equivalent) at your institution about this checklist so that they can assist you with completing the review. Where data is missing (because reps are unable to find the required information), inform the lead for Health and Safety, and your branch committee. When you have completed the checklist, discuss the results with your branch committee. You may wish to include some recommendations or priority areas for attention. Please share your results and recommendations each time its conducted with the Joint Negotiation and Consultation Committee (or equivalent) at your institution to put pressure on your employer to take action. Please share the results and recommendations of the review each year with ʵ including sending your completed checklists to HYPERLINK "mailto:eqadmin@ucu.org.uk"eqadmin@ucu.org.uk. How to complete the checklist Instructions: Please specify the location you are auditing, for example: A. Doors and entrances including receptionAreaReception YNNotes / CommentsA01Is the reception point fitted with an induction loop?(Notices displayed to inform visitors This checklist, which is not exhaustive, should be answered about how accessible your institution is concerning workers with visible and non-visible disabilities and those with a hearing impairment, neurodivergent and/or a mental health condition. The checklist is divided into the following sections and branches are encouraged to complete, it in full, or to choose an area, for example, if disabled members have raised issues around Information and access, then branches should use that checklist to support engagement with employers. The checklist covers the following sections: Working conditions Information Virtual learning environment Fixtures and fittings Doors and entrances including reception Ramps, steps and floors Lavatories Evacuation routes Car parking Auditory / Visual Support Accessibility as Standard Checklist: I - Car Parking I. Car parkingAreaYNNotes / CommentsI01Is the building within convenient distance of car parking I02Is the route marked/found? I03Is the area free of hazards such as bollards, litter bins etc? I04Is it adequately lit? I05Is it identifiable by visual, audible and tactile information? I06Is the car parking near the entrance as is possible? I07Is the car parking area suitably surfaced? I08Is there a policy for illegally parked vehicles? I09If yes, is it enforced?  Completed by: (Equality Rep) _______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ (H&S Rep) _______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 This checklist is not intended to be a representative sample, it will allow branches to analyse the data to feed into local and national equality campaigns. If you have any suggestions on how this checklist can be improved, please contact the DMSC via Sharon Russell (HYPERLINK "mailto:srussell@ucu.org.uk"srussell@ucu.org.uk). 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