Structures and decision-making
6 December 2006
ÄûÃʵ¼º½'s supreme policy-making body of the union is its annual congress.
ÄûÃʵ¼º½'s annual congress includes separate annual meetings of ÄûÃʵ¼º½'s further and higher education sector conferences, where policy particular to these areas is decided. Special sector conferences may also be called where urgent policy needs to be decided. In addition ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Scotland Congress and ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Wales Congress meetings are also held to debate and decide devolved policy matters.
Delegates attending our annual congress and sector conferences are mainly chosen by ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branches. All members of ÄûÃʵ¼º½ belong to a branch or local association, which is generally workplace-based. Branch members directly elect their own officers who negotiate and represent members locally, with support from full-time staff in regional offices throughout the UK.
Delegates to the union's congress are elected either directly or, in the case of smaller branches and workplaces, through aggregations according to size.
You can find information about your branch here.
Members also directly elect their representatives on ÄûÃʵ¼º½'s national executive committee, from constituencies based on Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and ten English geographical areas.
Members of the national executive committee (NEC) of ÄûÃʵ¼º½, elected by ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members include HE and FE members, some of whom are elected regionally, some on a UK-wide basis, plus equality seats and officers of the union. The NEC is responsible for conducting the union's business between Congress meetings. The executive comprises a number of sub-committees which cover specific areas of work:
- higher education committee
- further education committee
- strategy and finance committee
- education committee
- recruiting, organising and campaigning committee
- equality committee.
There are a number of equality standing committees and special employment interest groups which advise the NEC's work whose members are elected by annual delegate meetings:
- academic-related, professional staff committee
- anti-casualisation committee
- climate and ecological emergency committee
- black members' standing committee
- disabled members' standing committee
- LGBT members' standing committee
- migrant members' standing committee
- women members' standing committee
Plus there are also annual national meetings for:
- land-based members
- adult education members
- prison education members.
National and regional links
ÄûÃʵ¼º½ also has a number of regional and national committees to co-ordinate discussion and activity between branches, and, in the case of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, annual meetings held to decide specific national policy.
General secretary
The post of general secretary, the union's most senior official, is held by Jo Grady whose term of office runs to the end of May 2024.
Full details of all these arrangements can be found in the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ rule book.
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