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Support striking colleagues: donate to the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ fighting fund

Colleagues who can afford to do so are asked to consider a donation to the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ fighting fund. Donations to the fund are spent on supporting members involved in important disputes. As always, members are asked to only contribute whatever their circumstances allow. Any amount will be gratefully received by members taking action.


Helping hand

Your support is needed

11 March 2024

ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is determined to resist the current wave of job cuts and attacks on working conditions taking place in post-16 education throughout the UK and these campaigns are asking for your support.

    Aston University: redundancy threat

    Around 60 academics in the college of engineering and physical sciences have been told they are at risk of redundancy at Aston University due to a proposal to close some chemistry programmes and rearrange many of the departments. As part of the fight against redundancies, Aston ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has forced the University into extending the consultation period, and will continue to campaign with the aim of removing all threats of compulsory redundancy.

    Update, 21 June 2024: the employer has announced a proposal for significant redundancies among professional services staff, currently over 150 are at risk. This comes at a time where redundancy selection is taking place in chemistry and maths, and languages staff are also in a separate redundancy process. The initiation of a third redundancy consultation, as well as significant job losses though a general voluntary redundancy scheme, illustrates the broad attack on staff and their working conditions.

    Barking and Dagenham College: dispute over pay

    ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at Barking and Dagenham College have lodged a dispute over their 2023/24 local pay, workload and LSP pay compression claim following the employers failure to meaningfully negotiate with ÄûÃʵ¼º½. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members held a hugely successful lunchtime rally in support of the dispute attended by ÄûÃʵ¼º½ president elect Maxine Looby on Wednesday 1 May 2024.

    Coventry Adult Education Service: stop the cuts

    Coventry City Council is proposing drastic cuts to services which threaten our members' jobs in adult education as well as opportunities for the people of Coventry. Reductions to central government funding have left the council looking to make savings by proposing to scrap centre creches and cut back on key staff. Please send messages of support to our Coventry Adult and Community Education (ACE) branch who are calling on the council to reverse the proposals.

    Update, 14 June 2024: Coventry Adult Education Service ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch are asking for support with . 

    A major restructure was announced in January 2024. The employer's proposals mean creating a mixture of some new lecturing roles on different contracts and redundancy as part of a £700k cost-saving exercise. The service will also lose all seven creche facilities that have been provided to learners' children for many years. Twenty-two out of twenty-three creche staff will be losing their jobs at the end of July.

    The Coventry Trades Union Council have put the . Please note that only individuals who live, work or study in the Coventry area are eligible to complete the petition.

    Edge Hill University: job cuts

    Responding to reports of job cuts to come at Edge Hill University ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional official Matt Arrowsmith told the said, 'We will vigorously defend jobs and are working with members and the employer to seek a satisfactory outcome. This is a difficult time for the affected ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members, and they can be assured of robust support from their trade union'.

    Update, 23 May 2024: Edge Hill University ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch has been leading a campaign to stop job cuts in the Department of English and Creative Arts. The employer has confirmed that 11 out of 29 academic staff will be sacked, and that formal redundancy notices will be issued at the start of June. The branch has organised a campaign targeting the university's chancellor Dawn Airey and is urging local mayors, MPs and councillors to write to Ms Airey to urge her to oppose the cuts. Ms Airey has a background in the media and creative arts, including as a senior executive at ITV and Channel 5. She recently told the Financial Times that, as country we must 'urgently invest in the creative industries, widening access and shaking off complacency around the UK's creative superpower status'. .

    Education Training Collective: strike action over low pay

    Staff at Bede Sixth Form College, NETA Training Group, Stockton Riverside College, The Skills Academy, and Redcar and Cleveland College--all five colleges are part of employer group Education Training Collective (ETC)--will begin strike action next month as part of an ongoing dispute over low pay. The strike dates include Tuesday 7 November, Monday 13 November and Tuesday 14 November 2023. Click here for full details.

    Update, 28 November 2023: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ today announced three new days of strike action at ETC colleges. The first strike in this round would take place on Wednesday 13 December. Further strikes are also set to go ahead on Tuesday 9 January and Wednesday 10 January 2024.

    Update, 12 January 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at five further education colleges in Cleveland, Redcar and Stockton-on-Tees have been on strike on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 January in a long-running dispute over low pay, which was covered by ,  and . ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at the colleges overwhelmingly rejected an offer of 3% for 2022/23, and have also voted to reject a further offer of an additional 1%--which was only to be paid for three months of that financial year. Staff have already taken four days of strike action since November 2023, but the employer has responded by offering two 'well-being days' and nothing on pay. Chris Robinson, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional support official (Northern region), said: 'Thank you to everyone who has shown support for our action this week, which was well supported by members. Our resolve is still strong, and is buoyed by your solidarity'. You can send the branch a message of support and .

    Update, 21 February 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at ETC will be re-balloted for strike action over the 2022/23 pay award. This follows members' overwhelming rejection of the last proposal brought forward by management.

    Update, 4 March 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at ETC will strike on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 March 2024. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ also confirmed it would open a new strike ballot on Wednesday 6 March 2024 that will run until Monday 15 April 2024 so it can continue to take industrial action if ETC refuses to settle the dispute.

    Update, 18 April 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at ETC have again voted to renew their strike mandate. An overwhelming 94% of members who voted said 'Yes' to strike action in a ballot that with a turnout that beat the anti-trade union threshold of 50%. The strike vote is the latest escalation in the long running dispute over the 2022/23 pay award.

    Update, 2 May 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at ETC will strike on Thursday 16 May and Wednesday 22 May in a long running dispute over low pay that has already seen staff down tools for eight days. On Thursday 16 May, staff will picket the open day at Redcar and Cleveland College campus and on Wednesday 22 May they will picket Stockton and Riverside College campus.

    : ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at five colleges in Cleveland, Redcar and Stockton-on-Tees have today called on management to make an improved offer after they delivered an overwhelming vote of no confidence in the CEO and group principal of Education Training Collective (ETC). The no confidence vote is the latest escalation in the long running dispute over the 2022/23 pay award. It comes after staff took strike action, having rejected ETC's offer which did not include any improvement on pay and was limited to two extra 'wellbeing days' and additional points on the lecturer and course leader pay scales.

    Update, 30 August 2024: Staff at five colleges in Cleveland, Redcar and Stockton-on-Tees will strike for four days in September 2024 in a long running dispute over low pay that has already seen staff down tools for nine days. The full strike days are:

    • Tuesday 10 September
    • Wednesday 11 September
    • Thursday 12 September
    • Wednesday 18 September

    The strike days will hit classes during the new term's first two weeks of teaching. Staff will be picketing at specific locations across the colleges on each day of action.

    University of the Highlands and Islands: job cuts

    A ballot for strike action opened on Friday 18 August 2023 at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) in a dispute over job cuts and compulsory redundancies. The ballot would run until 20 September and could pave the way for strike action at the university in the new academic year.

    Update, 8 September 2023: UHI ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch is asking members to . The letter has had a great response so far, but the more people who sign the louder the message to management to rethink their massive cuts, rule out compulsory redundancies and stop damaging higher education in the highlands and islands.

    : Staff at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) have this week backed strikes in a dispute over plans to slash £3million from the university's staffing budget and cut up to 44 roles. The union said losing so many staff in such a short timescale was bound to impact on both the student experience, the university's reputation ,and the future of tertiary education in the  Scottish highlands and islands. In the ballot of UHI ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members, 77% of those who voted backed strike action on a turnout of 86%.

    : ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Scotland has announced dates for strike action at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI). The strike is over the university's plans to cut £4 million, including £3 million from the staff budget and making up to 44 roles redundant. UHI ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members will take six days of strike action starting on Tuesday 17 October and escalating through to the start of November. The employer has taken no steps to prevent the strike going ahead. Politicians across the Highlands and Islands have also called for talks and consultation between the union and the university.

    : The ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) will be taking the first of six days of strike action on Tuesday 17 October. The dispute is over £3m cuts to the staffing budget and making up to 44 roles redundant. Please send messages of solidarity to the branch.

    : ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) began the first of six days of strikes on Tuesday 17 October. The strike is over £4 million cuts the university is making, including £3 million from the staffing budget meaning that up to 44 roles are being made redundant. In the ballot approving strike action, turnout was 86% with 77% of ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members backing going on strike to defend jobs and oppose cuts. Please send messages of solidarity to the branch.

    Update, 27 October 2023: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) are taking six days of strike action over £4 million cuts the university is making, including £3 million from the staffing budget. The next strike days are Tuesday 31 October, Wednesday 1 November and Thursday 2 November.

    You can support UHI colleagues by donating to their fighting fund (details below), and by sending messages of support to the branch. Officers from UHI ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch are available to speak at branch meetings, please email the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Scotland office to be put in touch. You can also , and . 

    For donations to UHI fighting fund:

    • account name: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ UHI Millennium Inst SC019
    • account number: 20240808
    • sort code: 60-83-01

    Update, 14 February 2024: On 14 February, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ and the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) signed a trade union recognition and procedural agreement establishing arrangements for information, consultation, and negotiation on employment matters. Congratulations to UHI ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch and colleagues in ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Scotland for their hard work. You can read the full joint press release here.

    University of Huddersfield: job cuts

    ÄûÃʵ¼º½ vows to fight University of Huddersfield job cuts. Nearly 200 jobs are under threat at the University of Huddersfield as reported in . 

    University of Huddersfield ÄûÃʵ¼º½ chair Dr Gary Allen told the  the cuts amounted to one in ten staff losing their jobs and said 'cuts of this scale would have a devastating impact on staff, students and the local community'. He also said the university of spending 'tens of millions of pounds' on two new buildings and said 'the university has money in the bank and does not need to make such brutal cuts. If it refuses to see sense, we will fight this wanton destruction'.

    University of Hull: job cuts

    An industrial action ballot over job cuts will open at University of Hull on Monday 2 September 2024 and close on Friday 27 September 2024.

    In August 2024, management at University of Hull launched the formal consultation to make up to 127 staff compulsory redundant on statutory redundancy terms by 9 December 2024. Nearly 96 of affected employees could be academic staff. The latest round of cuts comes after the closure of a voluntary severance scheme in May 2024 that led to 107 employees already leaving the university.

      University of Kent: job cuts

      The University of Kent announced recently that there are likely to be up to 58 academic redundancies. This is on top of year on year cuts that have seen a dramatic decline in staffing. The current situation is entirely of the employer's own making: there is no reason, other than management failings, that Kent find themselves in this mess. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ are determined to fight this academic vandalism and defend the university; .

      Update, 23 February 2024: an industrial action ballot opened on Friday 23 February and will close on Friday 5 April.

      Update, 5 April 2024: University of Kent ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members have backed strike action in defence of jobs. The result comes as the person in charge of the cuts, vice-chancellor Karen Cox, announces she will step down in May 2024, before they are even implemented. An overwhelming 85% of ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members who voted said 'Yes' to strike action in a ballot with a turnout of 57%. The vote comes after 58 staff were placed at risk of redundancy as part of a programme that would see courses closed across the university. Courses set to go include art history, music and audio technology, philosophy, religious studies, anthropology, health and social care, and journalism. . Management also wants to slash the amount of time staff have allocated to research from 40% to as little as 20%.

      Update, 29 August 2024: an industrial action ballot will open on Monday 2 September and will close on Friday 4 October. University of Kent ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is in dispute with the employer over two things: the employer's failure to rule out any processes that could lead to the compulsory redundancy of staff within the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ bargaining group before 31 December 2025; and the employer's failure to provide guarantees that no one within the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ bargaining group will suffer detriment to their workload in the years 2024 and 2025.

      Leeds Beckett University: job cuts

      Leeds Beckett University ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members are currently voting in an industrial action ballot in a dispute with management over job cuts; the ballot will close on Friday 13 September 2024.

      University of Lincoln: job cuts

      Staff at the University of Lincoln are poised to take a stand against brutal cuts. A consultation over potential strike action is set to begin on Monday 22 April 2024.

      The looming threat targets over 220 University of Lincoln employees, including one in ten academic staff. Cuts include the phasing out of the fashion degree and ending specialist support for widening participation students in the foundation studies centre. The centre's teaching team have been notified their jobs are at risk.

      Despite the most recent accounts showing that in 2022/23 the university ran a £3m operating surplus and had £46m in cash reserves, a directive was issued last week, underscoring the necessity to slash the budget by Â£30m the end of the 2025 financial year. Some cuts have already been made with modern languages provision being shut down and eight staff losing their jobs. The severity of these new cuts has ignited opposition among university staff.

      In a defiant response to management's refusal to rule out compulsory redundancies, over 150 staff attended an emergency University of Lincoln ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch meeting and voiced their opposition to the proposals.

      Update, 17 May 2024: a strike ballot opened on Tuesday 14 May and will close on Tuesday 4 June; University of Lincoln management is targeting over 220 employees, including one in ten academic staff.

      Update, 6 June 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has announced that members at the University of Lincoln have voted to take industrial action over drastic cuts to over 200 jobs. 80% of members who voted supported industrial action, on a turnout of 55%. Dates for strikes will be announced in due course, but may be as soon as next month which could impact clearing and open days.

      Update, 28 June 2024: University of Lincoln ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members voted to suspend strike action for July and August 2024 after the university's vice-chancellor confirmed that there would be no compulsory redundancies. The mandate for industrial action continues to be live.

      London South Bank University: job cuts

      London South Bank University is consulting on cuts of 297 jobs including 126 academics and 100 hourly-paid lecturers/sessional workers. It is also proposing a major re-organisation at the same time by combining eight schools into three colleges. In May 2024, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has put out the following statement in response to recent events:

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has looked at the proposal to cut 297 jobs and is concerned that the university seems to be dumbing down on the service it provides to students by trying to sack its more experienced workforce. The real reason for this proposal is not because the university needs less people to do work of a particular kind but because it wants to get rid of older and more highly paid academics. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is also concerned that professors and associate professors are being targeted, not only for redundancy but also by being asked to have so-called 'protected conversations' that are clearly aimed at ending their employment. No equality impact assessment has been provided but it is reasonable to assume that those targeted are likely to be part of the older workforce and, as such, this raises issues about whether there might be claims under the Equality Act for age discrimination. If this is the case, such conversations will lose their protected status. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is also concerned that several branch officials have been under attack recently and that the principal reason for their dismissals may be related to their trade union activities. This all comes on the back of a further assault on terms and conditions including the imposition of an 'Overtime and on-call policy' unilaterally; a proposal to reduce the contractual research allowance for those who do not meet specific research objectives for their grade; a proposal to increase the working week from the current 35-hour limit and a proposal to remove the mandatory cap of 550 hours of Scheduled Teaching Activity per annum. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ will be supporting members individually and collectively and will back the committee if it decides not to attend any sub-JNCC or JNCC.   

      Middlesex University: 'accelerated change programme'

      Middlesex ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members have held an indicative ballot with a majority in favour of taking industrial action in relation to the university's so-called 'accelerated change programme' (ACP).

      The background is the university management's failure to consult with the unions before it began implementing significant structural changes to the institution including teaching activities, and the fact the university has refused to commit to no redundancies.

      Update, 19 June 2024: Middlesex University has announced that a further 181 people are at risk of being made redundant. This follows the reduction of teaching disciplines last November where 23 posts were at risk. Debbie Driscoll, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional support official (London HE), said: 'The university has shown a blatant disregard for their obligations to consult ÄûÃʵ¼º½ about these restructures. We are very concerned about what looks like the targeting of the older and more experienced workforce and the sidelining of the unions in the so-called "consultation process". We would urge the university to rethink this proposal and talk to ÄûÃʵ¼º½ about avoiding redundancies wherever possible'.

      Open University: job cuts

      In March 2024, 35 professional services and support staff have been placed at risk of redundancy, with frontline student-facing roles particularly affected. A further voluntary severance scheme has been opened to all teaching-only staff, affecting around 50% of OU employees. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ demands the removal of the threat that compulsory redundancies will be issued if voluntary schemes do not meet management's targets

      Oxford Brookes University: defending jobs

      Oxford Brookes University has announced plans to reduce academic staff numbers in humanities and social sciences and technology, design and the environment leaving 48 jobs at risk of compulsory redundancy.

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ reps have challenged the need to make the proposed £2 million savings given the apparent positive financial situation of the university and concerns have also been raised about lack of meaningful consultation with the union and affected staff. 

      •  and follow the branch on 
      •  and  at Oxford Brookes University.

      Update, 9 February 2024: in November 2023 management at Oxford Brookes University declared 48 jobs 'at risk' with 20 needing to be cut. Our campaigning, negotiating and balloting have reduced the number of compulsory redundancies to two. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ still intend to reduce that number to zero. Please  and  at Oxford Brookes University.

      Update, 8 March 2024: the ongoing campaign against jobs cuts and restructuring at Oxford Brookes is entering a new phase. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ reps are setting up a 'Save research at Brookes' committee and demanding a new redundancy avoidance policy. Students have been central to ÄûÃʵ¼º½'s campaign, for which we thank them. For more information, or to send messages of support please contact Oxford Brookes ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch chair.

      Update, 11 March 2024: .

      University of Portsmouth: job cuts and pensions

      On 27 March 2024, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ confirmed strike action could be on the cards at the University of Portsmouth, as the union starts a consultation of its members. 398 academic staff are to be put at risk of redundancy, as part of University of Portsmouth's '' programme that management says is necessary due to recruitment challenges and increased costs.

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has challenged the rationale for the redundancies and says that far from being in financial trouble, University of Portsmouth has almost £329m in the bank and is planning to spend  on buildings. One of the stated aims of the 'academic reset' is to improve student experience, but ÄûÃʵ¼º½ believes the proposed cuts will narrow course and module options, endanger the professional accreditation of certain degrees, and reduce lecturers' capacity for teaching and support. University of Portsmouth is seeking to restructure so that there are fewer academic staff per student on its courses.

      Update, 23 July 2024: More fury at Portsmouth after the university announced it intends to employ all new staff through a wholly owned subsidiary company that will deny them access to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and Teacher's Pension Scheme (TPS), enrolling them on a drastically inferior defined contribution scheme instead.

      Update, 19 April 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has raised concerns about the failure of University of Portsmouth to disclose legally required information in the current redundancy consultation that could put as many as 398 academic staff at risk. as the university prepares to make savage job cuts. The branch has consulted members, with overwhelming support in favour of resisting cuts to jobs. Portsmouth ÄûÃʵ¼º½ will be meeting to consider further action.

      Update, 17 May 2024Portsmouth ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has launched a formal trade dispute with the university as the branch continues its campaign against compulsory redundancies (163 academic staff at risk). This follows a vote which saw 94% of members stating no confidence in the vice-chancellor.

      Update, 1 June 2024: In its ongoing campaign to defend job and education at the university, Portsmouth ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has launched an online petition asking for the withdrawal of compulsory redundancies. .

      Update, 23 July 2024: From 1 August 2024, Portsmouth intends to employ all new staff through a wholly owned subsidiary company that will deny them access to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS), enrolling them on a drastically inferior defined contribution scheme instead. The punitive pension change comes just months after the university put almost 600 (597) staff at risk of redundancy. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ said that the university is trying to create a 'two-tier' workforce and that it will enter into a trade dispute over the issue, laying the ground for a potential strike ballot.

      Ravensbourne University London: attack on trade unions

      Following over twelve months of discussion between ÄûÃʵ¼º½ and the employer, in November last year, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ applied (with UNISON) for voluntary recognition at Ravensbourne University London. Ravensbourne responded by offering to negotiate, an offer which was accepted, and an initial negotiation meeting was scheduled for 10 January 2024. On 5 January, vice-chancellor Andy Cook pre-empted that negotiation and announced an independent ballot of all staff 'to gauge the level of support for formal trade union recognition' and 'to gauge the level of support to establish a Representative Staff Forum as an alternative to formal trade union recognition'.

      Deborah Driscoll, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional support official (London HE), said: 'after months of stalling and telling us that they wanted to work with ÄûÃʵ¼º½, it seems that Ravensbourne's management have finally shown their true colours. It has now become apparent that the VC does not want to recognise independent trade unions and would prefer a toothless and ineffective "Representative Staff Forum" instead. Two petitions have shown overwhelming support for the application for recognition of ÄûÃʵ¼º½ at Ravensbourne and we are ready to continue to make the case to the staff if there is a ballot. We are currently waiting for the university's proposals in writing before agreeing anything as we need to ensure that any vote would be genuinely free and fair. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ are very alert to any hint of unfair practices by the university and would urge staff to get in contact with their local ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch if they have any concerns. The university has agreed not to put out any further communications to staff about firm ballot arrangements for the time being.'

      Update, 26 January 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at Ravensbourne University are campaigning for trade union recognition following management proposals to establish an alternative 'representative staff forum'. Staff are to be balloted on the two options by the university with provisional ballot dates of 4-17 March. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is arguing for formal recognition which would provide an agreed negotiating framework and give staff a voice to influence key decisions at Ravensbourne whereas the proposed management-controlled forum doesn't come with the same rights and obligations. Find out more about this important campaign by clicking here and support our demand for a seat at the decision-making table by .

      Update, 9 February 2024: Ravensbourne University London's ballot of staff on whether to have a 'staff forum' instead of independent trade union recognition is being exposed for vote-rigging. The employer is refusing to have a vote purely on whether staff want ÄûÃʵ¼º½ to be recognised, is demanding a high turnout rather than a simple majority of those voting, and is insisting that ÄûÃʵ¼º½ will not have access to staff to talk about the ballot unless it agrees to be 'locked out' of statutory recognition rights for three years. If you work at Ravensbourne, help us fight back against this union busting by voting for trade union recognition. You can also send messages of solidarity to the Ravensbourne ÄûÃʵ¼º½ branch.

      SOAS, University of London: fire and rehire

      An indicative ballot has launched in February 2024 on taking strike action at SOAS over fire and rehire plans that place 34 staff at risk of losing their jobs and being rehired on worse terms and conditions. The cuts would eliminate all term time English-language and study skills support for international students.

      Sheffield Hallam University: job cuts

      A strike ballot has opened on Monday 15 April 2024 and will close on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at Sheffield Hallam University

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ has accused the university of pushing ahead with expensive building projects while launching a wholesale attack on staff and students through an unprecedented cuts programme, severely breaching the post-92 contract and national framework, and attacking on working conditions.

      The university has said 225 academic jobs will be axed, with up to 80 staff facing compulsory redundancy. Around 140 senior experienced academics have already left following the opening of a voluntary severance scheme in December 2023 and the university is now ploughing ahead with further compulsory job losses. 

      Cuts come alongside unprecedented breaches of the post-92 national contract that will severely impact research and teaching. The university intends to completely remove the (grade 9) principal lecturer role, force line management responsibilities onto (grade 8) lecturers and create a new teaching (grade 6) 'academic tutor' role.

      Update, 3 June 2024: Sheffield Hallam ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members voted to support strike action (87%) following a successful industrial ballot that closed in May 2024 (turnout 53%). Dates for strike action will be announced in due course.

      Update, 9 August 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members at Sheffield Hallam University will strike from Monday 23 September 2024 until Thursday 26 September 2024.

      Staffordshire University: job cuts

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ vowed to fight devastating cuts at Staffordshire University. In a consultation document shared with ÄûÃʵ¼º½, the university has put over 100 jobs at risk of redundancy, with staff set to go as soon as December 2023. The cuts include up to 65 academic job losses, which equates to over one in 10 academic staff, and swingeing cuts to professional services staff.

      The proposed cuts to academic staff include up to 31 jobs in the school of justice, security and sustainability; eleven in the school of health, science and wellbeing; eight in the school of digital technologies and the arts; and six in the institute of education.

      University of Surrey: job cuts

      : an open letter from ÄûÃʵ¼º½ to Surrey's vice-chancellor said members and the wider community were extremely concerned by plans set out in an all-staff meeting in March 2024. Proposals were set out for voluntary redundancies, the sale of university assets and other cost cutting exercises.

      Michael Moran, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional official (South East), told : 'At the moment all we know is that the management have announced they need to save money by cutting staff'. He added that the 'real concern' was the university's refusal to rule out compulsory redundancy and that voluntary redundancies may be 'just the start'.

      Update, 26 April 2024: University of Surrey has announced 45 professional services and academic staff are at risk of redundancy. This comes on top of 130 staff taking voluntary severance over Easter. The vice-chancellor Max Lu, and his team of highly paid managers including the Provost Tim Dunne, are running this proud institution into the ground. Vanity projects appear more valuable than educators to the people at the top.

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ calls on the employer to stop and rethink the current strategy, pause all redundancy plans and offer ÄûÃʵ¼º½ a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional official (South East) Michael Moran said: 'It's not too late to halt these disastrous plans and engage fully, openly and honestly with ÄûÃʵ¼º½. No more drip feeding of information and failure to adequately engage. Members are angry and are ready to respond. We will provide an update on the next course of action very soon'.

      Update, 23 May 2024: In a ballot organised by ÄûÃʵ¼º½ and campus unions, staff and students at the University of Surrey have overwhelmingly voted (97%) that they have no confidence in the vice-chancellor, provost and executive board. This is the second vote of no confidence against the vice-chancellor since he joined the University of Surrey in 2016, and the first against the provost in his relatively short tenure. The vote was initiated because of a threat of large scale job losses. Most job losses have been as a result of voluntary severance, with many believing they had little choice but to apply and there are still a small number of colleagues facing the prospect of compulsory redundancy. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ regional official (South East) Michael Moran said: 'It is little surprise that staff confidence is at an all-time low given the cuts that Surrey are implementing. We believe there is no business or educational case for further cuts and ask that the VC and provost rule out any future plans for redundancies and that management listen to staff concerns and commit to building a better university rather than sacking staff. We fear these cuts are the thin end of the wedge and, unless urgent action is taken now, Surrey staff and students will suffer in the future'.

      Tyne Coast College: low pay and job cuts

      Over 100 staff at Tyne Coast College downed tools in June 2023 in a fight over fair pay. Staff took part in strike action on Monday 5 and Wednesday 7 June. The College said it would be 'closed for lessons' during the strike days. &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

      The strike came after 94% of those who voted backed strike action. Turnout was 54%. It was over the 2022/3 pay claim, which came on top of multiple real-term wage cuts and a recent pay freeze (2019/20).  The College was involved in controversy recently as it suddenly announced the closure of a key part of their provision, the sixth form at Queen Alexandra College. This provoked  amongst parents and students, as well as the staff, and the local MP also  up the issue. The uproar forced the college into a partial . &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

      : Over 100 staff at Tyne Coast College would take two days of strike action next month on Tuesday 3 and Monday 23 October in a long-running dispute over low pay. The latest action comes after management imposed a paltry pay award of just 3%, which staff had overwhelmingly rejected. Staff already took two days of strike action in the dispute. 

      : Strike action at Tyne Coast College was called off after the employer agreed to enter talks with the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas). Staff took a day's strike action last month and had been due to walk out on Monday 23 October as part of a long running dispute over pay. The action came after management imposed a paltry pay award of just 3%, which staff had overwhelmingly rejected.

      : Tyne Coast College management announced this week that 54 staff were at risk of losing their jobs before the end of February. The union has written to the college demanding it stops all individual consultation meetings with impacted staff and starts meaningfully consulting with ÄûÃʵ¼º½ as required by law. Staff at Tyne Coast College took strike action over low pay earlier in the academic year in a dispute that has still not been resolved. Messages of solidarity via email and  are welcome.

      Update, 29 February 2024: Around 20 staff, with decades of experience, will exit Tyne Coast College today, ÄûÃʵ¼º½ confirmed. The departures come after Tyne Coast College management told staff many would lose their jobs in a bid to make cuts of up to £1 million with more cuts still threatened for the summer.

      University of Winchester: job cuts

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ confirmed strike action could be on the cards at the University of Winchester after its members voted to consult over taking industrial action.

      Staff have been put at risk of redundancy in changes that would see the university close its English language programme; institute for climate and social justice; centre for religion, reconciliation and peace; and managed housing, and see cuts to psychology, acting and apprenticeships. The university claims it needs to make the cuts due to a £6m structural deficit. There are 40 jobs planned to go in the current phase, with fears of further job cuts pending. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ said staff and students must not pay the price for leadership's financial mismanagement. The union will now lodge a formal dispute with the university and a strike ballot could open later in March 2024. 

      Update, 26 April 2024: a ballot for formal industrial action has opened on Tuesday 23 April and will close on Tuesday 14 May. The dispute is over proposed job cuts of up to 40 jobs and detrimental changes to the workload allocation model. The loss of jobs and potential closure of high-profile units will have devastating consequences for both staff and students.

      Update, 17 May 2024: Winchester ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members voted to support strike action (79%) and action short of a strike (93%) following a successful industrial ballot that closed earlier this week (turnout 59%). The branch is considering the next steps in the fight to protect jobs and for a fair workload model.

      Update, 21 May 2024: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ announced that University of Winchester staff will strike on Tuesday 4 June over drastic job cuts, unless the university halts plans to get rid of staff and impose excessive workloads. Action short of strike (ASOS) will begin on Wednesday 5 June and includes working to contract and refusing to cover for absent colleagues. The dispute is over plans to cut around 40 academic staff, and unfavourable changes to workloads which the union fears will lead to unhealthy and unmanageable working hours.

      Update, 3 June 2024: University of Winchester staff will strike on Tuesday 4 June 2024 over brutal job cuts. Staff will be  the university from 8am tomorrow morning. They will then begin action short of strike on Wednesday (5 June), including working to rule and refusing to cover for absent colleagues.

      York St John University: job cuts

      York St John University ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members have been voting in an industrial action ballot in a dispute with management over job cuts; the ballot closed on Monday 22 July 2024.

      ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members winning at work

      Last updated: 30 August 2024