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16 days

16 days

16 days in 16 ways

16 November 2017

16 days of activism against gender based violence is an international campaign that organises at all levels, including the United Nations, Governments, NGOs and trade unions.

It's initiated by The Centre for Women's Global Leadership, a feminist human rights organisation. The activism period is 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) - 10 December (International Human Rights Day).

ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is supporting this campaign and will be using this period to focus on our priorities and suggest 16 ways in which branches and members can get involved. We particularly want to encourage branches to raise the model policies on sexual harassment and domestic abuse. The links to these are below under the further information section.

Below is a leaflet and poster for downloading to publicise the campaign.

Publicity poster for 16 days in 16 ways [573kb]
Publicity flyer for 16 days in 16 ways [363kb]

The suggestions are:

  1. Visit:

  2. Follow 16 days on Facebook: 

  3. Tweet support:

  4. Publicise and use ÄûÃʵ¼º½ resources.
  5. Talk to members, potential members and your employer about how GBV impacts on the workplace.
  6. Raise the sexual harassment model policy [242kb] with your employer.
  7. Raise the domestic abuse model policy [473kb] with your employer.
  8. Make links with local organisations who are campaigning against GBV.
  9. Fundraise for a local or national cause fighting GBV.
  10. Sign up to ÄûÃʵ¼º½ training.
  11. Link up with the NUS to challenge GBV and harassment in your institution.
  12. Can you raise GBV as part of your lesson plan?
  13. Identify a branch champion to support women's campaigns.
  14. Look at the campaign through different lenses: eg - black women, disabled women, lesbians and trans.
  15. Keep the campaign visible: use the posters and wristbands.
  16. Share your ideas and actions with everyone:

Local activities in branches

16 Days in 16 Ways Newcastle College Branch event [285kb]

Further information

Briefing on gender based violence [166kb]

Domestic abuse model workplace policy [473kb]

Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace - guidance [242kb]

Action against Violence against Women - branch guidance [321kb]

FGM questions & answers [84kb]

FGM factsheet [598kb]

FGM - making the case for a national action plan [129kb]

Last updated: 27 March 2020