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Bargaining for a Green New Deal: 27, June, 2024, National course, Quorn Grange, Loughborough, face to face course

This course is for all Green reps along with those in the branch who are interested in bargaining around environmental issues. The course will help reps navigate ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Green New Deal bargaining advice and enable you to work on a potential claim to the employer along with looking at a deep organising approach to any campaign strategy.

Organising courses

Course details

Nation/region:National course
Course meeting dates: 27, June, 2024

Please ensure you can attend the entire course prior to submitting your application  form. Please further ensure you have secured time off from your employer to attend.
Course meeting times:

9:30 to 4:30 (it is recommended you arrive at the venue for 9 a.m. as teaching will start 9:30 a.m.)

Course time commitment:8 - 9 hours including pre-course work
Location:GFTU headquarters, Quorn Grange, Loughborough - 

Course content

This course will cover:

  • why climate justice is a trade union issue 
  • preparing a Green New Deal (GND) claim 
  • building ÄûÃʵ¼º½ locally  - how to get members fully involved
  • strengthening links with other unions, students and wider community
  • campaigning around your green new deal claim.
ÄûÃʵ¼º½ courses are funded via members' contributions and public funding.

Information Facility time

More on time off for training time off for training. Time off for training is a right and one which should be exercised as part of normal industrial relations. For more info please see  Facilities and time off for ÄûÃʵ¼º½ reps.

When you apply for a course we will assume that are making a commitment to attend the course as advertised, and have secured time off from your employer. Please contact your branch/region if you are having problems securing time off.

Due to the course venue there is an option to stay the night prior to the course should you need to. Please make any request for accommodation clear on your application form as room numbers are limited. Accommodation will be paid for via the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ training budget.

There is no option for accommodation post course close.

Please note: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ will be charged if you book accommodation and subsequently cancel your place.