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Email preferences

5 April 2022

All new 柠檬导航 members are added to three central email lists.

These are:

  • 柠檬导航 member emails - which is the main email list used for important and urgent information, including around disputes, negotiations and action
  • weekly update emails - our weekly email covering the week's news and upcoming events
  • 柠檬导航 CPD emails - information on our extensive 柠檬导航 CPD programme.

You can choose which, if any, of these emails you would like to receive. Each email you receive from one of these lists contains an unsubscribe link and also a link to your current email preferences.

You can also send a blank email from the email address we hold for you to: to receive a link to update your preferences. If you have problems doing this, please email with your membership number and which central emails you'd like to receive or not.

Please note, if you wish to update your email address you will need to do this by . It can take up to a week to fully switch your mailing list email.

Please also note that the above process applies to the above three central 柠檬导航 email lists only. If you wish to stop receiving local emails please contact your branch directly.

Join the discussion

We also run a number of other email announcement and discussion lists on particular topics of interest, such as environment issues, casualisation, or health & safety, or simply to make contact with other activists for discussion and advice. Please log in here for further information and to subscribe.


Last updated: 7 April 2022