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The Friday email: 24 November 2023

24 November 2023

Exposed: build the campaign

to expose the organised right-wing attack on our hard-won human rights - to free speech, to be treated equally and inclusively, to have our diversity recognised - is just getting started. Over the coming weeks we will be using every tool in our arsenal to expose these attacks and to defend our members' rights - events, petitions, political engagement, legal support, the media and social media. 

We are aware that these attacks manifest themselves in different ways in different sectors so we have invited all of our further, adult and prison education branch officers to a meeting to establish precisely how they are manifested in these sectors.

ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members have been subject to monitoring and surveillance by government departments, with compiled of their support for equality, diversity and inclusion. We believe that this is more than an isolated case and we have concerns that more of our members have been targeted in this way.

If you have reason to believe that you have been targeted then please join our briefing on Tuesday 28 November, 12:30PM when we will discuss the possible steps that you can take to expose this surveillance and monitoring, as well as the support that the union can provide you. . The guidance will be shared after the meeting on our website for those unable to attend.

You can help build our campaign by:

  • Following our , and accounts and sharing content using #ExposedCampaign
  • sharing and asking your friends, family and students to
  • attending our on Tuesday 28 November at 12:30PM.

Respect FE: our message to employers and government

Our Respect FE campaign continues to grow and deliver deals on pay and conditions for further education (FE) members. Congratulations to everyone who took strike action last week and you can 

As well as putting pressure on those college employers who have yet to make an acceptable offer, the union continues to press government to invest in the sector. Read our response to the Chancellor's autumn statement calling for long term investment in the FE sector here.

ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Rising: consultation results and branch delegate meeting

Thanks to the thousands of you that responded to our ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Rising consultation. The survey is now closed and our research team are analysing the results and we will be sharing these with you soon. A meeting of branch delegates will be held on Wednesday 13 December and prior to this please look out for your local branch meeting and make sure your voice is heard in these vital collective discussions. 

Oxford Brookes University jobs threat: sign the petition

Oxford Brookes University has announced plans to reduce academic staff numbers in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Maths leaving 48 jobs at risk of compulsory redundancy.

March against racism in Glasgow tomorrow

 The theme of this year's STUC march is 'From Erskine to Elgin, the far right is not welcome.'

Take action to protect Palestinians and education in Palestine under attack: email Your MP

Fobzu (Friends of Birzeit University) urgently calls on you to join our Email Your MP campaign to call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the alarming attacks on education in Palestine. Time is of the essence and as Israel's military campaign persists without restraint, swift action is vital to safeguard lives and support the Palestinian people's pursuit of education and their right to live in freedom and dignity. 

Disability history month webinar: 30 November

 to hear more about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), and the role it can play in promoting the rights of workers with disabilities.

Climate and ecological emergency

This week's focus is on climate adaptation in the context of education and how education trade unionists can take action so click here to find out more.

Register for our annual meeting taking place on 7 December on Zoom here.

Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS) valuation sees rises in employer contributions

As a result of government decisions, the rate of employer contributions to the TPS is increasing by between 3% and 5%. ÄûÃʵ¼º½ will continue to campaign for additional funding to cover the costs faced by HE and FE institutions to avoid the current situation where a substantial amount of money that could otherwise be used to benefit staff and students is being taken out of the sector. All the latest information on TPS is here.

Last updated: 27 November 2023