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柠檬导航 response to Migration Advisory Committee graduate route review

14 May 2024

The Migration Advisory Committee has concluded its rapid review of the UK graduate visa route and recommended retaining the route in its current form.

Responding to the , 柠檬导航 general secretary Jo Grady said:

"We welcome the Migrant Advisory Committee's important recommendation to maintain the graduate visa. It is shameful the government has wasted so much effort attacking migrants and undermining our universities. It now needs to listen to the experts it asked to conduct the review and confirm the graduate visa will be kept. 

"The review has also highlighted once again how broken our university funding system is - we urgently need wholesale reform which ensures universities are not relying on international fee income to cross-subsidise inadequate funding arrangements for domestic students. Employers should be shouldering more of the cost for the supply of skills on which this country relies, not international students."

Last updated: 14 May 2024