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Higher education pay and working conditions negotiations update

17 May 2024

Today, over 150 delegates from 柠檬导航 higher education branches met at a special higher education sector conference (SHESC). The meeting voted that the higher education committee (HEC) should develop a strategy that could return the union to taking UK-wide industrial action in the 24/25 academic year.

This decision is important as we head into final pay talks with the employers' representatives, Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), next week. The meeting is set for next Wednesday, 22 May 2024, and our employers have an opportunity to avoid a dispute developing if they table a decent offer.

I will write next week with further updates from the pay and working conditions negotiations, and expand more fully on decisions taken by the special higher education sector conference.

In solidarity

Jo Grady
柠檬导航 general secretary

Last updated: 17 May 2024