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柠檬导航 department contacts

Contact details for 柠檬导航 officials and departments.


The team who look after membership records.

Communications and Public Affairs

The team responsible for 柠檬导航's national public-facing communications, press liaison and links with politicians in Westminster and the devolved nations.

Campaigns & education

Key contacts from the team who run national campaigns, training and provide support for activists, branches and 柠檬导航 regions.

Bargaining and negotiations

The key staff who handle national negotiations around pay, contracts and other issues, and assist branches with local negotiating.

Equality and policy

Contact details of 柠檬导航's equality and policy team.

Legal services

柠檬导航's in-house legal team provides support for members through their branch and region and also supports the work of the national union in its work on policy and campaigning work.

Democratic services

The team looking after 柠檬导航's elections, main congress meeting and the experts on 柠檬导航's rules.

Regions and nations

The department overseeing the organisational structures of 柠檬导航.