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柠檬导航 comment on drop in EU students applying to UK universities

5 April 2017

The number of students from the EU who have applied to UK universities is down by 6% compared to this time last year, according to new figures.

The show that there are now 496,010 UK applicants (down by 4% compared to this point last year) and 45,140 EU applicants (down by 6%) and the number of applicants from other overseas countries has increased by 2% to 60,630.

柠檬导航 general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'Amid all the recent fuss and fanfare about the triggering of Article 50 it was clear that any actual negotiations will not be starting for some time. This is dangerous news for our universities who need to be able to let EU students know what they can expect if they apply to study in Britain.

'The government needs to act now and send a strong message guaranteeing the conditions for EU students thinking about coming to a UK university, and status of the hardworking staff already here.

'Higher education is international in its nature and our universities are one of the UK's great success stories. Staff and students who have contributed to the UK's success deserve better than to be used as pawns in negotiations about the UK's future.'

Last updated: 24 April 2017
