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Research concordat survey

Higher education sector consultation - The 'concordat' and support for research careers

6 November 2018

Thank you to all the 柠檬导航 members who participated in our survey on the proposals to revise the Concordat for Research Staff.

More than 4,000 people participated in this survey which formed part of 柠檬导航's response to the Concordat consultation:
The revised Concordat - 柠檬导航 consultation response [417kb]

You can also read the full report on our survey:
The revised Concordat - what do research active people say? [119kb]


The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers was established in 2008 and signed by all major organisations involved in research training in the UK. The stated aim of the concordat was to improve careers and employment for research staff.

柠檬导航 was involved in the development of the concordat but did not sign the final document as we felt that it missed the opportunity to make firm recommendations on employment security.

Now, ten years later, an independent review of the concordat has made a series of recommendations for improving the document, many of which 柠檬导航 welcomes.

The Concordat Strategy Group has now issued a consultative survey based on the findings of the review.

Last updated: 29 January 2019